

I decided I need to learn more about banking, bought an expensive 500 pages textbook… – and as a result I came up with the plot for a novel that might not be really flattering for that business.
It’s still secret… 😉
Part of it has to deal with speculative business on land, food, agriculture and nature. – What I meant to be a science fiction story, is by far an unpleasant truth already.
Another part of the plot is a not so secret network of bloggers and other independent media producers who work to create the missing links, to rise awareness, to tell stories and thoughts that have not been thought yet. There are many attempts to deliver that, too. But I’m not yet satisfied, I want to see the Informavores, thats how I called this network, in place and in reality.

Of course there are blog-floods, news-streams, and of course there is too much information. But is it ours? – How can it be, that rating agencies tell storys and influence major parts of the civilised world, without having a clue about what’s important for the people they are judging? About whose lives they are deciding?
We need more countervoices who do not counter, who just tell their story, who just let us participate in ordinary, yet so different lives and cultures.
Life in a Day is a nice step in that direction.
I would like to create more. I want the Informavores.
I’m looking for bloggers and other independent media producers with the ambitious target to start with a loose network and maybe build and independent lifestyle-everydayculture-business media brand. Informavores are creatures that live by information, and that have the natural attitude to always go for more. We’re currently setting up the basics for this network – stay alert….

Michael Hafner

Michael Hafner

Technologiehistoriker, Comic-Verleger, Datenanalyst

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Alexej Navalny, Patriot

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Meine BĂŒcher