Schlagwort: Digital Media

Auf dem Weg zum Einheitsblog

Mach mit – und zwar mit uns. Der Imperativ ist stark und duldet keinen Widerspruch. “Im Abendverkehr hat auch jeder ein Ziel – nach Hause.

The Digital Media Ethics Textbook

Charles Ess’ “Digital Media Ethics” is unique and amazing in several ways: It’s a genuinely philosophical book investigating ethical traditions in the light of potential

Micropublishing Basics

Microblogging, Microfinancing – does everything have to be small and does it have to move fast? Because there is no time anymore for “real” business?

Trading on the Trust Exchange

Forget stocks. Trust is the dominant value, the really rare equity of these days. Investing in trust, finding the right hints, dealing with promising options

Experts on Trust – Clemens Cap

We are delighted to kick off our series “Experts on Trust ” with Clemens Cap. Clemens is currently professor at University Rostock, Germany, researching on