LCD Manifesto – Long Copy Digital

LCD Manifesto – Long Copy Digital

These are just some basics on why I'm running this project and why I think that that it meeds some basic needs that everyone who is currently dealing with online media needs to find answers to.

[quote_box_right]Quality is a source of fun[/quote_box_right]

These are just some basics on why I’m running this project and why I think that that it meeds some basic needs that everyone who is currently dealing with online media needs to find answers to.

LCD Long Copy Digital Manifesto

  • What is short? Keep it simple and shareable, is what experts say about digital content. So it does not have to be short and simple anymore? I think flexibility is the key – give users the opportunity to work with only small bits or the full version of contents; it should be up to them.
  • Whom do you want to impress? Users? Customers? Your editors, owners or colleagues? Many digital magazines are just dressed to kill – they show that they can use a lot of technology, always on the edge, and that they can create some unforeseen experiences. But does it fit to the story they want to tell? Rarely. Yes, it might be necessary to start over from scratch with every new story. We have to acknowledge that there are not any really established standards in digital storytelling. Just remember Neuland.
  • How long is long? I think this is not a matter of characters and numbers, but mainly of what users feel about it: Do they lose orientation? Do they always now where they are, how far along in the story they are? Do they see all they need to for now on one screen or do they at least know what they have to do next? – Long is less a matter of numbers but of boredom.

[pull_quote_center]The LCD-project is an initiative to focus on quality in digital media.[/pull_quote_center]

  • No, it’s not about tablets. While I’m working with my laptop or iMac, I also want to have a nice reading experience. If I have to take my iPad instead – what’s the point? I could as well grab a printed magazine.
  • And it’s not about he next thing, not about replacing books or paper. It’s about finding the plus: where does it make sense to go digital, and how does it make sense?
  • And finally: I’m working on this, because I really believe that digital media literacy will be a very important skill in the near future. We have to get used working with digital tools for working-, learning-, shopping- and government- or tax-issues. We are already quite advanced in using digital media for communication-issues. But in all this, we mainly focus on speed, reach and efficiency – not that much about quality. The LCD-project is an initiative to focus on quality in digital media. And one reason why I’m doing this, is that I believe that quality can be a true source of fun…
Michael Hafner

Michael Hafner

Technologiehistoriker, Comic-Verleger, Datenanalyst

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