Old Farts on Facebook: Tom Kummer and Friends

Old Farts on Facebook: Tom Kummer and Friends

Living in Los Angeles – and talking about it nonstop – seems to be a symptom of really bad attention deficits. And sometimes even worse Famous fake-journalist Tom Kummer recently published an article in the german Freitag – pretending to cover Facebook. Kummer, who got famous for publishing fakes celebrity-interviews (what has been discovered only after years….) starts with mentioning that he lives in LA. The rest of the article is a long list of more or less famous people (Kummer is friends with
Mavie Hoerbiger and the former Bunte-Editor in chief), who post that they
are hanging out, drinking, partying or just bored. Well done, this is truly
the true real meaning of Facebook and Social Media. I’m glad that some old farts don’t see more to it. And it’s nice to know, that ageing 80’s
imposters can now party and hang out via Facebook, if they are too old for real party nights – and too outdated to be cared for or to gather any other kind of attention.

Michael Hafner

Michael Hafner

Technologiehistoriker, Comic-Verleger, Datenanalyst

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