Reading Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate

Reading Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate

I finally managed to start reading Brad Warners “Zen wrapped in Karma dipped in Chocolate”. Brad Warner’s first two books are among my alltime favorites. Well, I put the classics aside a little for this ranking, but somehow, they don’t really attract me so much at the moment.
Brad Warners interpretation of Soto Zen teaches simplicity, self confidence, relaxation, scepticism, accuracy, responsibility, honesty, courtesy and much more at the same time.
To summarise in short (at least, that’s my interpretation): There is not more then you have now, are now; there never will be more. Deal with it.

This applies to yourself, to your plans, to others – there are no mysterious changes or developments, there are no superheroes, masters or authorities. It can be disillusioning or empowering. It can flatter you or insult you. Again: Deal with it.

I’m working on it, also on the practise part. Currently, my dog is far better in doing zazen (just sitting) than I am…

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Technologiehistoriker, Comic-Verleger, Datenanalyst

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