The Digital Media Ethics Textbook

Charles Ess’ “Digital Media Ethics” is unique and amazing in several ways:

  • It’s a genuinely philosophical book investigating ethical traditions in the light of potential new challenges brought up by digital media
  • It’s areal textbook with exercises, practical questions and homework
  • It does not use theoretical dilemmas to illustrate philosophical questions, but the Facebook- or Gmail-Terms and Conditions
  • It finally (for me) clarifies, where the term ubuntu comes from…

Ess investigates potential new ethical challenges that arise in the context of digital media. This does not mean it’s about copyright only.
A major question is wether digital(online) media empower (free speech) or enslave people (spread structures from western civilization all over the world), whether online communication makes us less sensitive and responsible (because it’s only disembodied words) or more powerful and thus requires more responsibility (because our communication has much more reach and impact).
These questions can not be asked nor answered per se – they always depend from the ethical or even more basic metaphysical frameworks we presuppose. This is where online media prove that they really need to be treated in a different way then classical media or other forms of human relationships: They are not only a means of distribution or documentation with new features and possibilities, they also offer – through their genuine features – much more and different contents than any other type of media. We know much more (content) and in the same time much less (context), we can compare opinions and change perspectives – but we have to be very careful with that.
We seemingly know a lot, but only on the surface. On the ther hand: We never know more than just the surface – the rest is our imagination. Knowing and respecting this is one of the most important ethical guidelines that derive from the inspection of digital media – and that can not only be illustrated, but also trained through the used of digital online media.

This is an aspect we also cover in our upcoming book “Wie die Tiere” (currently available in German only and out in December): What are the borders of meaning and communication, and why do we understand each other anyhow?

Trust Exchange and Regulation: Where Online Media Sabotage Trust

Trust, Media, Regulations

The word says it all – but only at second glance: Selfregulation means “Don’t dare”, “You better…”, “You can do it on your own or we will do it for you” – it’s just a euphemism for early submission and voluntary slavery. But it seems to be a common idea to talk about regulation, too, if the actual topic is online media and trust.
The german Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research (University Hamburg) published a reader on trust in contents and the means foster trust. Several experts describe online media, discuss some challenges (advertising, young users, the right to counterstatements) and largely present means, strategies and practices for selfregulation.
There are a few things that I consider as truly remarkable:

  • The book deals with new online media, but there is not even a preview or a summary online, you have to buy it.
  • The accompanying website that is still promoted from the institures website is not online – the url takes you to a domain registrar.
  • The reader dedicates more than 200 pages to describe how to regulate – but 7 lines on the question why regulation is necessary, which targets should be achieved and what regulation should be good for.
  • And a few times, they even mention collaboration and wiki-style collaboration with users as a means for regulation.

Ok, one goal that is also described in the title, is that to build trust. But again – what for?
This takes us to a few interesting assumptions that are hidden somewhere deep in the basics of the regulatory discussion:

#1: Whom to address with regulation efforts?

Number one: Government representatives obviously really and truly think that they should and can regulate online media and the internet. No wonder that this position is unquestioned throughout all contributions in this book – it is the summary of a government/EU-sponsored conference -, but I consider it as really strange that some participating scientists and representatives think it may be necessary or even new to recommend the participation of the industry in regulation. After all, they might know something about their business.
Leaving everything to “the industry” of course is not an option either. But it is one of the key achievements of online media, e commerce and a slight, beginnig change in spirit, that there is not “the industry” anymore. Especially in the media business, but also in the brick and mortar businesses and even in retail, attitudes, business models and business goals change.
The “old”, profit oriented industry is the main contact for regulators – they have the visible impact, they have defined the rules of the business so far, and they have the power to be really harmful: be it through mental or chemical pollution, by creating economic dependencies or by controlling too big pieces of the cake.
Regulating the old industries by reducing a bit of the quantity and impact of their business, but confirming the general way they do business, will not help to develop new ways of cooperation, sharing or sustainable business. It will keep everything as it is, maybe it will help those who claim to be powerful to feel a little bit more comfortable.
Another way is to support the “other industry” in doing business. This is not a matter of donating money or investing a little bit in technology projects. This is a matter of creating regulations and support-structures that empower people to do business. It does not have to be difficult to get something started – there should bot be minimum limits of turnover businesses have to deliver in order to be businesses (and part of a social insurance system). – Why do some european cities have an abundant culture of restaurants from all over the world, whereas others only have fast food and high class cuisine? Why do some 25 year olds have a long list of activities in their CV, and others only an education?
Regulating the “other” industries is something that governments can’t do. This will create boring islands or it will again support the mainstream only. Creating prerequisites to do different business is a far more promising challenge for both governments and the old industry, if they want to participate.

#2: What kind of trust is built by regulation?

The first point dealt with what and how to regulate. Now I want to question what regulation is good for and why the discussion is likely to be related to trust.
Again, we have to ask whom we address with regulatory efforts. Following the discussion of the regulation conference, I assume it is the old industry. Regulation is supposed to increase trust. This is explicitly mentionend several times:The authors want to define common characteristics for trustworthy publishers, they want to research why online publishers (in their opinion) are not as trustworthy as offline publishers, they want to built trust in the industry and in the users – and they want to support and act in the name of public interest. – What kind of trust is this?
The main assumption in this idea of trust and common sense is: They want to trust that everybody does what he should do. This is not trust as a quality – we can start something new, we don’t have to agree on every detail, but we will sort it out -, but trust as part of an easy and straight calculation: If I do this, you do that – because we agreed on it, because you have to, because it fits to whatever is expected – but not because this is a personal quality. “You” are not important in this equation; everybody would have to do the same.
Trust in this regard is nothing personal and nothing voluntary anymore – actually to be trustworthy (or to act as if you were a trustworthy person) rather turns into an obligation that can be executed by force.
Why this shift? Trust as a merely functional term (a means to reduce complexity as the systems theory put it) is closely related to common sense and daily experience: We trust that things will be as they are, that changes will be corrected. This means that we don’t trust in persons, but we trust in power. We trust that the powerful have the ability to keep the world as it is. Depending on where you are currently situated in the food chain, trust turns into a synonym for either hope or despair: All three termns describe rather passive behaviour – but trust should rather be a personal thing… – or are there just different levels of trust? (That would require a closer look).
Anyhow, to get back to the goal of regulation: It seems to turn out, that the main target of regulation that wants to build trust, is to avoid harm. Fear is a strong driver. Trusting users want to trust in that they don’t get hurt, that their personal and financial belongings are not hurt.
This can be ensured by power. Positive trust, trust in growth, trust that is not related to fear, can not be granted by power. Even more: This kind of fear-trust-hybrid is only suitable towards the powerful. We don’t need to trust the weak, because we can control them. And they can’t hurt us anyway.

#3 Does power have negative influences on trustworthiness?

This makes me ask my third question: Can we trust in power? And can the powerful build trust? Or is the term trust, used in the context of power, just a smooth disguise for force?
We need trust as a regulatory force in the absence of a contract. Not all details are cared for, we don’t have the power to fix this on or own – this is when we need to trust. Contracts, on the other hand, require that both partys have equal powers, or we may even fear that the other one is more powerful then we are. If we get a fair contract form a stronger partner, then we are good imposters – cheating is one of the main qualities that is trained and improved in an area that makes heavy use of contracts.
The consequence in this: If we have good contracts, we don’t need trust. Where power is involved, we need good contracts. Can we summarise that there is no trust where there is power?
I think this true if we are directly facing powerful individuals, institutions or organisations. We can´t trust them; why should we, and why should they act trustworthy, at least in those areas where they are really powerful?
What we can do, is trust in general settings, in the case of media, in the power of the public opinion. There is a common sense, a general preunderstanding that keeps others from harming us – because they fear reaction, because they have a moral sense or because they just don’t care about us; we are not even important enough.
We trust in general ethics, we trust that things will work out and that, if we did not care for all the details, somebody else (or the development of common sense does that for us. – This presupposes that the one who cared for this details knows what is important for us; it presupposes that we share common goals and values.

#4 Conclusions

There are several conlusions we can take away from here:

But they all, in my opinion, are clear indicators that we still know too little about online media to apply regulations from such remote institutions as government.
Please come again later; don’t call us, we’ll call you… 🙂

The Philosopher, the Wolf, the Dog and the Fleas

BreninMark Rowlands has come of age. His hair is dyed, he is not a lonesome writer anymore but a reknown professor of philosophy at the University of Miami, a husband and a father. And instead of a wolf, a Schaeferhund-dog is now his companion on his daily jogging trips.
The wolf made Mark Rowlands famous. “The Philosopher and the Wolf” oscillates between macho-myths of a man and his beast and academic philosophy, an autobiography and an analysis of ethics, communication and the meaning of life, an instructional textbook and a pet story more touching than Lassie, Flipper and Black Beauty.

“The Philosopher and the Wolf” describes eleven years Rowlands spent as a philosophy teacher and writer in Alabama, Ireland and France, always accompanid by a wolf he bought in his early twenties. During all these years, men (and women) appear only as marginal characters in Rowlands life, no matter if he’s having years of party in Alabama, a hermit’s life in Ireland or a merry bachelor’s life in southern France.
The solitary way of living, the intense examination of the world, view and values of animals directs Rowlands to ask fundamental questions on what is important, what is good and bad, what is happiness, and finally: What does death mean for men and for animals?

The book is more than just a pet story – although that might be hard to get for readers who never even had a hamster. The death of pets is a strong experience n0ot only because we probably liked them, but because it signifies the end of quite long period in our life that we overlook from end to end. We have been there before our oets, and we are still here, while a whole life has passed. The death of a dog reminds us very clearly that now 10, 12 or fifteen years have definitely passed, are gone, will never come back again, that we will have to change some habits and probably think of something new.
Thoughts on the meaning of death for men and wolves (or dogs) cumuluate in the last chapter of the book, “The Religion of the Wolf”. Men fear death, they Rowlands, because they think about the future. That’s the problem with dying: It’s not that we loose what we are or have, the problem is that death makes us loos our future.
Wolves (or dogs or other animals) don’t care about past or future – they are just know They know neither hope nor fear, they just care about what’s going on right now – which after all, is a very decent way to handle things…

“The Philosopher and the Wolf” is a very beautiful book combining a nice story with practically explained philosophical topics. The public reception was somehow different: Journalists liked it, the book sold great – but the reviews mostly focused on the macho-aspect of living a merry bachelor’s life with a wolf – or on the unpleasant part of having to sort out fights with other dogs, dealing with the lust for destruction of young wolves (dogs) and having to take care of a sick and dying wolf (dog).
That’s not the story – we should know this if we ever had a hamster….
The view and insight Rowlands describes, is an extended, enhanced view that acknowledges the presence and specific intelligence of other beasts than men.
This is a perspective we are not used to; in our daily world, the idea that the rest of the world – environment, animals, nature – are not there for us, at our disposal, but that it is with us – or actually the other way: We are allowed to be with them.

I bet it’s not pure chance that Rowlands is not only the guy with the big dogs, but also one of the most prominent philosophers in the field of animal rights – and a representative of the philosophy of the external mind. Wikipedia says he is “one of the architects of a view known variously as the extended mind, vehicle externalism, locational externalism, active externalism, architecturalism and environmentalism.”
“The idea, very roughly, is that at least some mental processes extend into the subject’s environment in that they are composed, partly (and, on most versions, contingently), of manipulative, exploitative, and transformative operations performed by that subject on suitable environmental structures”, explains Rowlands. “I think I’m also known for holding a rather strange view of the nature of consciousness.”



Michael Hafner talked to Mark Rowlands about morality, mortality, loneliness as a merry bachelor’s life and the questions wether fleas have feelings. and other moral obligations towards animals

themashazine: After reading “The Philosopher and the Wolf” I head tears in my eyes and started to louse my dog, because I just wanted to do her something good. – Actually, I thought I would not like the book after I read some (mainly german) reviews that gave me the impression of you as someone exploiting something quite ordinary (living with an animal) as something special and exciting (the big, strong, mean, stinking, aggressive and then even ill animal). – How did you like the reception of your book?

Mark Rowlands: I’m not familiar with the German reviews, as I don’t speak German. I suppose I am aware of most of the English language reviews (my publishers send them to me), and, of course, I’m delighted – since the vast majority of them have been very positive. I try – I really try – not to take any notice of reviews: but it’s much easier to do that when they are so nice!

themashazine:what can people who never lived with an animal take from your book?

Mark Rowlands: The book is an extended examination of what it means to be human. In particular, I examine three features that are thought to separate us from other creatures: intelligence, morality, and our understanding of our own mortality. So, the book would be, I hope, of interest to anyone who has thought about this issue – whether or not they live with animals.

We are more intelligent than other animals (at least in the way we measure this). But this comes from our simian forebears travelling a path that wolves and other social creatures did not. Our intelligence is grounded in more primitive abilities to manipulate and deceive our peers. The result was an arms race, where abilities to resist manipulation and deception just about kept their noses in front of manipulation and deception. The intelligence we have today is a result of this race: manipulation and deception are core components of human intelligence.

This theme was reiterated in my discussion of morality. We are also distinguished from other creatures, so we think, by our moral sense. We understand right and wrong: they do not. I examined the extent to which power and deception lie at the core of our sense of right and wrong. So, for example, take a social contract model. The basic idea is: you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours. Or, at the very least, you refrain from sticking a knife in my back, and I’ll similarly refrain. You accept certain limitations on your freedom if others will accept the same limitations. Morality emerges from these sorts of primitive (and hypothetical) agreements (or contracts). However, as many have pointed out, it makes sense to contract only with people who are capable of helping you or hurting you. Therefore, if this is the basis of morality, those who can do neither fall outside the scope of morality. That is: we have no moral obligations to the powerless. Power is deeply embedded in the way we think about morality.

The same is true, I argued, of deception. In the contract, image is everything. It doesn’t really matter whether you are helping someone else, as long as they think you are. If you can deceive, you garner all the benefits of the contract whilst accruing none of the costs. The contract, by its nature, rewards deception. So, while the contract is supposed to be about morality, if you dig a little deeper, you find power and deception.

Our sense of our mortality is perhaps the most decisive difference between us and other creatures. I think other creatures understand death only in part. They cannot understand the ‘and that’s all she wrote’ aspect of death. That the one who dies will return nevermore. Because we can realize this, in a way that no other creature truly can, we have a choice to make – one so fundamental that it effectively defines the kind of life we are going to live. We can tell ourselves stories to the effect that death is not really the end. The basis of the stories is hope; hope that becomes the primary virtue of some religions and re-baptized faith. Hope, I said, is the used car salesman of human existence: so friendly, so plausible, but you can’t rely on him.

Why did I say this? Hope takes away something from us – it takes away the possibility of our lives possessing a certain kind of value. There are certain moments, I argued, when we are at our best; and it is here that the real value of life is to be found. This value is not to be found in goals toward which we strive, our ambitions, achieved or not. Our lives resist judicial summary. Rather it is to be found at certain moments, scattered around our lives. This talk of moments confused a lot of people, and led them to the conclusion that I was saying we should live in the moment. In fact, I said the opposite: living in the moment is not the life characteristic of a human – and there is no point trying to be what we are not. So, let’s replace the word ‘moments’ with ‘times’. There are certain times in our lives when we are at our best. This is when we understand the game is up. These are the times when hope has deserted us, and we have nothing left but our defiance and our scorn. In the end it is this defiance that gives our lives value: it is only our defiance that redeems us.

themashazine: What do you tell people who say they feel the same you felt about Brenin (the Wolf) about their Chihuahua?

Mark Rowlands: Good question. I attach no direct significance at all to the fact that Brenin was a wolf (or maybe wolf-dog mix). For the purposes of the book, it really did not matter. Could someone feel the same about their Chihuahua? Yes, they certainly could.

themashazine: You describe yourself as a misanthrope – what made you change your mind? did you change your mind or did you find a way to live with it? has something changed since your obvious misanthrope-times?

Mark Rowlands: Looking back, I tend to think that I just wanted a break from human beings for a while. Does that make me a misanthrope? Maybe it does.

themashazine: Your life in Ireland and France does not sound uninteresting for a man; one could get used to it as a merry bachelor´s life – but who did clean your house and do your laundry at that time?

Mark Rowlands: I cleaned my house and did my laundry. The laundry was fine, but the house was rarely clean – although, in my defense, I did have three large, and often muddy, canines sharing a small cottage.

themashazine: I like your arguments about morality and the attitude towards the weak. But are not also intentionality and the perceived distribution of power important issues? Are my horses – who are way stronger than me – mean when they step on my toes? Are they immoral when they risk my health by jumping around and hustling me, when they are scared of green Martians they see in the trees?

Mark Rowlands: Do your horses often see green Martians? If so, what sort of grass is growing in their field?

More generally, animals are not moral agents in this sense: they cannot be morally censured for what they do. They have no choice in the matter, and they cannot subject their actions to critical scrutiny and moral evaluation. That is: they cannot ask themselves questions like: is what I am doing the morally right thing to do in these circumstances?
So, animals are what is known as moral patients as opposed to moral agents. This means, very roughly, that they have rights but not responsibilities. The same, of course, is true of many humans – young children being an obvious example.

Some people claim – usually because they haven’t thought about what they are saying – that you cannot have rights without responsibilities. If they really mean this, then they are committed to denying that young children, and certain other categories of humans, have rights – not an option I would endorse.

themashazine: I guess that my dog is happiest, when she is eating, sleeping in the sun or fighting (which I can’t let her do, because she is too talented and efficient). She can enjoy that until she does something else, I can enjoy – whatever I enjoy – only inbetween (before I have to leave, after I come home from work, because I can take a few minutes now, because we have not sat together or been for a walk or a while now),
Is that part of the difference between wolves and apes you described? And did you find a way to deal with it – or could you just diagnose the difference?

Mark Rowlands: I think it’s true that one of the reasons we humans are such a dissatisfied species is because we are so spread out in time that we find it very difficult to enjoy the moment. As I said: Living in the moment is not the life characteristic of a human – and there is no point trying to be what we are not.

themashazine: Finally, to get back to the fleas: I’m killing them intentionally and they are way smaller and weaker than my dog or me. – Are we immoral?

Mark Rowlands: Two responses:

First, you have a duty of care to your dog that you don’t have to her fleas. You took on that duty when you brought her into your life.

Second, fleas are, as far as know, non-sentient. We might be wrong about this, but given everything we know about the neural basis of consciousness, it’s a pretty good bet. Therefore, a good case can be made for thinking that fleas fall outside the scope of morality. We have no moral obligations to fleas.

Micropublishing Basics

Microblogging, Microfinancing – does everything have to be small and does it have to move fast? Because there is no time anymore for “real” business?
Micropublishing is sometimes used as a synonym for microblogging. I look at it differently. Blogging is Blogging – that’s a way to quickly sketch some thought, spread information, start a discussion.
Publishing is on the one hand more onedirectional (to me), on the other hand, I think of it as a more structured and targeted process: Publishing is not dealing with ideas and sketches, it’s not using media as tools, publishing to me means to create products that cover a full process, an idea and it’s conclusions from beginning to end.

That’s why I think of books, when I think of publishing.

Wie die TiereWhen I think of micropublishing, I think of books from the fringes (and for the fringes).
I don’t think that everything get’s better when it is commercialised and turned capable of winning a majority.
Some contents don’t need to be made to fit a broader public, they don’t improve if they are forced to be generally understandable and easier to sell – sometimes that just makes them loose meaning.
Producing meaningful contents anyway (and ignoring the rules of pr and marketing) is a tightrope walk between stupid hubris, anchorless blather and hard work.
There are established media types, rules of the business, and tons of successstories.
Being so versatile that you can’t be grasped, and more present and talkative than be hardly listening audience can take – the idea of micropublishing is full of contradictions.
Why, after all, would you publish if you don’t want to adress or fit to a public?

Micropublishing, in another perspective, is also looked at as a highly commercial, marketing-optimised feature. Wikipedia describes it as: “a microtrend that would not play much of a role in the publishing world. The internet has changed this by providing authors and micropublishers with an affordable medium through which to publish and distribute their works” and refers to Chris Andersons Long Tail.

That’s one legitimate way.
I’m thinking of another approach.

Why publishing, and why micropublishing


  • Some cOntents need shape. Rules of traditional media force to a minimum of consistency.
  • Paper has some advantages – it can be touched, it can be written on, it’s not so sensitive to dust, sand, being dropped. But it should be used only on demand.
  • Books are simply beautiful.
  • Publishing means more than putting a book on the table. If the world and the media we need are not here yet, we need to create them.
  • We don’t fill niches. We extend and stretch discussions and markets. Mobility on the edges keeps innovation goin on.
  • If it’s not a business – turn it into one, if you want. But business is not always the biggest fun…
  • You don’t need to care about or dissociate yourselves from mainstream discussions. Ignoring is healthy; simply doing someting else even more.
  • We don’t do this for fun. Respect, Satisfaction, the feeling to control things is one part; commercial success – as a living and as true means of subversion – is another part. But if it’s not about money, it could be about life.
  • Micropublishing creates products and business models that can deal with Google Books, copyright, online distribution and collaboration and creative commons.Publishing is not writing; it’s not about talking only, but about doing business. That’s why I started kbex micropublishing, well, it’s still about to be started…

Experts on Trust – Digest of Trust and Censorhip in Online Media #2

TrustThis week’s issue of themashazine’s Trust Digest covers Chris Brogan’s (“Trust Agents”) initiative on socially responsible bookmarketing, News Corp’s homogenisation tendencies, russian startups and the publication of the “Spambook” with the promising subtitle “On Viruses, Porn and Other Anomalies From the Dark Side of Digital Culture”.

(Never Trust a Hippy is by NOFX)

Responsible Bookmarketing

Chris Brogan, author of Trust Agents, asks for Ideas for socially responsible bookmarketing:

  • Ideas for Trading Multiple Copies of Trust Agents for Social Good
    • If a corporate sponsor bought 300 copies of Trust Agents, I’d donate 5 hours to a nonprofit of their choice, helping with social strategy, promotion, blogging, etc.
    • What if I offered to pay $50 to a charity/cause for every 10 copies of Trust Agents an individual bought (up to 10)? (That way, it’s within reach of an individual to make a difference).
    • What if, for every 10 copies an individual buys, I donate 1 book to a local library?
    • and your ideas will go here.

News Corp starts News Core

News Corporation is launching a global service that will make all its news stories and videos instantly available to its entire network of TV, print and online news outlets.
A move towards research, networked fact checking and journalistic quality?
Or is it just another step towards the total uniform media? News Corp does not comment yet.

Russian Startups face trust issues

Startupschool publishes a great post on russian startups. The biggest challenges they face are, besides lack of experience and language skills, trust problems: Users dont trust online shops, they don’t trust online payments and they don#t even trust offline shipping services. That’s a really bad omen, or, to speak nicely, a great challenge… It’s an interesting read, and the comments to that post take you deeper into russian and central asian business networks.

China uses online music as censorship vehicle

China sets new standards for distribution or censorship of onlinemusic. Companies wishing to provide music download services in China will be required to apply for an Internet culture license to do so.
Experts fear that this will be just another leverage to get concessions from big media players who want to enter the market, as online censorship is still a big issue.

The Spam Book

SpambookThis sounds very promising:
“For those of us increasingly reliant on email networks in our everyday social interactions, spam can be a pain; it can annoy; it can deceive; it can overload. Yet spam can also entertain and perplex us. This book is an aberration into the dark side of network culture. Instead of regurgitating stories of technological progress or over celebrating creative social media on the Internet, it filters contemporary culture through its anomalies. The book features theorists writing on spam, porn, censorship, and viruses. The evil side of media theory is exposed to theoretical interventions and innovative case studies that touch base with new media and Internet studies and the sociology of new network culture, as well as post-representational cultural theory.”

Authors are, among others, Sadie Plant, Matthew Fuller and Andrew Goffey. Get yours here, or if you happen to be in London, join the launch party.

Trust Exchange Research

Read all about the research on trust in online media on our background pages.
Don’t miss anything by following the Tag “trustex” on

Trading on the Trust Exchange

TrustForget stocks. Trust is the dominant value, the really rare equity of these days.
Investing in trust, finding the right hints, dealing with promising options and building a manageable portfolio with a strict risk management – ponder trust, distrust (mischief?) and ignorance – are important skills of businesses. Recognizing trustworthy businesses is crucial for other businesses as well as for users and customers.
Wealth is built by trading on the Trust Exchange. Wealth can be financial (money) or ideal (publicity), direct (selling) or indirect (increasing reach and impact), it can be personal (bound to a single person or a company) or social (open to a community).

All about trust and Trust Exchange Research on – follow the news.

The research basics

Trust Exchange is a research initiative. The main question:
Is there a common notion of trust in online media?
We focus on online media, especially trust in social media,

  • because they are developing into one of the predominant filters through which we see the world – that’s neither tv anymore, nor is it direct conversations.
  • because they shape (new ways of) interaction
  • because there is a little space for negotiation left to question power, reach and impact – there is not much freedom left, but the online world is not yet as made of stone

As economists and stock traders did, we want to focus on new and emerging markets: the assumption is that there are even less established rules, additional open questions (brought up through censorship, smaller reach and different literacy skills), and new ways of media usage to learn from.
Online technology is the same in Ukraine and in Serbia, the same blogging tools are used in austria and in Kazakhstan. – But do we believe in the same kind of information, is the notion of trust the same?

The third big issue is: can we derive ways to build trust online? Is this a list of dos and donts is it pure luck? – Or is it just another play of power and manipulation?

Hit First, Ask Later?

To deal with these topics, we have to find the right questions first. How can you describe trust at all, which assumptions, feelings, ideas are brought together to form a notion of trust? Is there any common baseline, are there identifiable types of trust belonging to certain patterns of media and interaction?
This is why, for now, we start with asking three simple questions:

  • Whom do you trust online?
  • What is your trust built on?
  • What difference does trust make?

Based on the answers – short words or elaborate essays, everything is welcome – we will work on a more elaborate questionnaire that will be spread to a broader audience.
The inputs of the first go round of Trust Exchange Research are collected here and updated weekly. Please support it by dropping a few words on your notion of trust (or answering the three questions above) – either as a comment right here, via editors (at) or on themashazine-Facebook-Page.

A few Thoughts on the Background of Trust

What do you talk of, when you talk of trust?

  • Do you have a social, a political, a philosophical approach?
  • Is trust bound to freedom, can you only trust when you are free to do so?
  • If you don’t have another option than to trust – does this turn trust into hope? – You don’t have a choice, so you just hope that everything will turn out fine.
  • What’s the relation of trust and power? we want to trust the powerful, because they could harm us; we want to trust in that they don’t. Do we need the trust of the weak? Does trust turn the weak into powerful ones: If they need to be trusted, if we need them to trust us – that means they are too powerful to be forced? Is this a part of the nature of trust that turns trust into one of the reasons of censorship: Because trust could lead to a shift of power, you have to avoid it as good as you can.
  • What’s the relation between trust, freedom and attention? You can distrust me, you can tell others not to trust me – but by which means and in how far can you extend the effects of your opinion, convince other people? Give me a bad rating, if you can (eg on ebay) – are you sure it does not affect you at the end? You can even declare me public enemy, it might kill my reputation on one market, but it might be the most efficient PR I ever head in the rest of the world…

And after all: Why do almost all of us (at least officially) acknowledge that trust is simply a great thing?

Experts on Trust – Clemens Cap

Trust ExchangeWe are delighted to kick off our series “Experts on Trust ” with Clemens Cap. Clemens is currently professor at University Rostock, Germany, researching on Digital Networks and Online Media.

Three questions on Trust

  • Whom do you trust online?
    • Large organisations with wide public visibility which, should they violate trust in general, would get sufficient PR coverage so that I know about it or PR damage so they do not abuse trust.
    • Techniques which allow me to verify trust (https).
    • Content which is networked and thus allows me to have it independently checked.
    • People and users usually not so much since it is difficult to verify their true identity anyhow – unless I know them closely, their email address and communication habits.
  • What is your trust built on?
    • Public visibility of an organisation, possibility to verify my trust.
  • What difference does trust make?
    • I read their communication, I transact business, I spend time or money on them.

Details on the Trust Exchange

As a warm up to the Trust Exchange Research, themashazine asks three questions on trust to bloggers, geels, developers, online experts and other nerds. These questions go to a wide sample of users in Central- and Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia.

  • Whom do we trust online?
  • What is our trust built on?
  • What difference does trust make?

Please support the Trust Exchange Research by putting in your two cents, either right here or via editors (at) the mashazine (dot) com or on on Facebook.

Trust Exchange Research – the Process

Step 1, Getting in Touch – bloggers, online experts and other geeks from Central- and Eastern Eurpe, Eurasia (and a few exceptions) are asked to contribute short (or longer) statements on three questions.
Statements are collected and published until the end of october 2009.

Step 2, Looking Closer – based on the insights, more detailed questionnaires are prepared and distributed to a broader group of participants. Case studies of trust-building online-media-activities (from corporations, ngos or other associations – we are open for suggestions)

Step 3, Sit down and talk – will organise the discussion of the results; in online-discussions, hopefully also face-to-face in a TrustCamp.

Step 4, Publication – the consolidated story of researching trust in online media will be published in summer 2010.

What’s in it for me
Every participant will receive a full downloadable copy (pdf) of the report.
Participants in Step 1: our royalties are backlinks, and if desired (we would appreciate it), a short portrait in the list of contributors.

Trust Exchange Research – Experts on Trust is very grateful for the lively contributions.
The first go-round of Trust Exchange Research will be continued until mid of October. Contributions are welcome – as a comment here, via mail to editors (at) the or on our Facebook-page.
Just comment on our three kick-off questions:

  • Whom do you trust online?
  • What is your trust built on?
  • What difference does trust make?